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10 / 3 / 2017 - Resume Workshop with Suzanne Alcantara

Members were able to gain tips on how to improve their resumes through our resume workshop hosted by Suzanne Alcantara from Annenberg Career Development. I'm sure our members are going to get tons of internships and become future leaders in the communication industry!

9 / 19 / 2017 - Fireside Chat with Calli Cholodenko

USC alumni and Founder & Creative Director at Something Social, Calli Cholodenko, was kind enough to be our first Fireside Chat guest of the semester. She shared her story of how she got to where she is now, and shared some of her top tips on how to become a content creator and a presence in the social media world.

9 / 28 / 2017 - Study Session

As midterms season starts coming around, we're sure everyone is feeling stressed out and tired. That's why we decided to host a study session for our members, so that they can find a quiet space to study, while boosting their energy levels with delicious pizza and coffee.

10 / 12 / 2017 - LinkedIn Headshot Session

Time to upgrade our LinkedIn headshots! Members got a chance to get free headshots taken outside of Annenberg on Thursday afternoon.

10 / 17 / 2017 - Meet and Greet

We had our first official social event of the semester! Thank you to everyone who came out and had pizza with us. We're so glad we got to meet all of you.

11 / 1 / 2017 - Fall Initiation

Congratulations to our newest members for their academic excellence and achievements in Communication. We are so happy you joined our family, and hope to see you at our events.

11 / 7 / 2017 - Fireside Chat with Anthony Wiktor

Creative Director and Founder of Ad Victorem, Anthony Wiktor, was our second fireside chat guest. He shared the story of how he became the businessman that he is today, the importance of networking, and how business and communication skills are fundamental to make connections.

1 / 18 / 2018 - Graduate and PhD Panel

Thank you to all the communication scholars who shared their stories and experiences within their respective programs! Your educational journey is an inspiration to all of us.

2 / 6 / 2018 - Meet and Greet

We had a blast getting to meet everyone! Thanks for coming and sharing a slice of pizza with us! We look forward to meeting more of you guys next time.

2 / 14 / 2018 - LinkedIn Headshot Session

With job hunting season approaching, it's time to upgrade our LinkedIn headshots! Members got a chance to get free headshots taken outside of Annenberg on Wednesday afternoon.

2 / 20 / 2018 - Study Session

Sandwiches, chips and salsa are the perfect study partners, don't you think? Hope everyone enjoyed the study session we hosted!

3 / 6 / 2018 - Spring Initiation

It was great getting to meet all our new LPH members! Congratulations once again, and we're certain that everyone will thrive in the future.

4 / 5 / 2018 - Fireside Chat with Reed Willig

We learned so much from strategic planner and LPH alumnus Reed Willig!  

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